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July 06, 2011


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Debbie Hanson

Yum!!! I could have easily finished off the remaining third.

Sonja Hoffmann

If you would like to experience this any day you want at home, please look at my website at www.RacletteCorner.com
I offer the traditional raclette melters as described above as well as raclette grills that has little dishes to melt cheese slices and a grill top for some side items (meat or vegetable). I also offer some recipes, accessories and cheese.

Thank you for this mouth watering article.


That is a grand website! I'll post a link on an upcoming blog. Personally, I *love* the idea of having a raclette kit; it would make a terrific party, book club, holiday treat centerpiece. Of course, Jeff used to make fondue all the time, so I think we would actually use it.


OMG. Raclette. I remember Raclette from my Au Pair days in Genever. Best apres-ski food ever.

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