Blithe: cheery, merry, glad or cheerful. (1)
Travelers: people who travel (2) (3)
Welcome to my blog. We are a family of four spending three months in Nanjing. Jeff is opening a business office, I am caring for our two children Tom (age 5) and Hope (age 3) and keeping the home wok sizzling while finishing up my second book.
If being grounded in reality were an issue for me, I would be required to admit a greater degree of unmindfulness with significantly smaller doses of cheery throughout our travels. But I find veracity vastly overrated. So, please, join me and my vivid imagination as I journal our short stay in China.
Important Caveat For All Readers: The experiences journaled here are mine – and mine family’s alone. We are spending a short time in a terrificly large and complex country. We will touch for a very brief time a culture that is vastly different from our home base. This journal is not meant to be an ethnography of Chinese culture, nor will I be extrapolating from our experiences any greater knowledge or learning. We’re here, we hope to explore and experience Chinese culture as time and circumstance allow and we would like to have some fun doing it.
(1) It also means without thought or regard, heedless, but let’s disregard that definition, shall we?
(2) Glad to clear that one up for you
(3) Not to be confused with Traveller – two ll’s – General Robert E. Lee’s faithful gray gelding